Top Free AI Content Checkers
  • 6-minute read
  • 17th April 2023

Top Free AI Content Checkers

The modern climate of digital content has been shaken by the development of AI-generated content. In 2022, the introduction of ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot from OpenAI, sparked a wave of interest throughout professional sectors around the globe, raising questions, calling ethics into debate, and posing a new perspective on what the future of creativity could look like. In a rapidly progressing digital revolution, navigating your way through reading or writing a piece of content now presents a new hurdle. As the influx of accessible AI programs advances, it’s getting increasingly harder for people to tell what’s been written by a person and what’s been generated through AI. 

Enter AI content checkers. These tools scan written content for authenticity, providing an estimate of how much of that content was written by a person and how much was written by AI.

AI detectors come in all shapes and sizes, from pricier programs to free Chrome extensions. In this article, we’ll be focusing on the best free AI content checkers to help you stay one step ahead of the creative curve.

Why Is It Important to Detect AI Content?

Although the possibilities of AI present an exciting time before us, it’s important to stay aware of where pieces of content have come from.

For example, a publisher may be interested in whether a piece of work has been plagiarized by its author, or schoolteachers and professors might want to check whether an essay has genuinely been written by a student.

Google and AI Content

From an SEO point of view, scanning for AI-generated content can also help to leverage the impact on a website’s ranking. Google can detect whether a piece of writing has been produced by AI by searching for patterns and inconsistencies, favoring high-quality and uniquely written content.

Spreading Misinformation

When publishing content online, there is the added factor of potentially spreading misinformation. ChatGPT has been dubbed by the CEO of NewsGuard, a technology company that traces online misinformation, as “the most powerful tool for spreading misinformation that has ever been on the internet.” Keeping on top of the authenticity of person-produced written content can be a great tool for avoiding publishing anything that might be fake, untrue, or misleading.

Should I Use an AI Content Checker?

Whether you’re a digital writer wanting to ensure your brainstormed content isn’t fully AI-generated or a publisher looking to survey an article before subjecting it to the mercy of the Google gods, using a free AI content checker, like the ones listed here, can be a great way to quickly, easily, and painlessly check your content to avoid any issues in the long run. 

The Best AI Content Checkers

1. Writer’s AI Content Detector

Writer's AI
Writer’s AI

An AI writing platform itself, Writer’s AI content detector is a free online tool that allows users to enter up to 1,500 characters at a time.

It’s extremely user-friendly, with an interface that’s easy to navigate and nice to look at, offering a percentage detection score to signify how much of any given text is human generated.

To use this checker, simply add your text into the box, click analyze text, and watch as it works its magic.

2. Originality.AI

Created by content marketers and AI experts, Originality.AI is a plagiarism checker and AI detector with several platforms available.

Among other versions of their AI detection software, Originality.AI’s free Chrome extension makes their industry-leading detection widely accessible and available to use on any piece of digital content with up to 94% accuracy. 

Whether you’re reviewing a written document or assessing a website, simply highlight the text you want to check and use the extension to give it a speedy assessment. When completed, you’ll be given two percentages showing the levels of “original” and “AI-generated” content.

3. Content at Scale’s AI Content Detector

Content at Scale AI Content Detector
Content at Scale AI Content Detector

Content at Scale is a content-marketing AI automation platform that claims to produce undetectable content ‒ deemed as “94% human” by other content checkers. 

They now offer their own AI content detector, an online tool similar to Writer’s content checker with its copy-and-paste functionality and simplistic interface.

To use this platform, all you need to do is select the text you want assessed and enter it into the detector box, which has a limit of 25,000 words (Content at Scale also recommends entering at least 25 words for fully reliable results).

Your assessment will include four percentages:

  • How Robotic is Your Content?
  • Predictability
  • Probability
  • Pattern


This tool also offers a “Results” bar, which is extremely helpful in taking the next steps with your content post-detecting. This section breaks the content down, sentence by sentence, highlighting certain words that sound robotic or unclear and giving tips and tricks on ways to improve.

4. Copyleaks

Copyleaks dashboard
Copyleaks AI Content Detector

Devoted entirely to checking the authenticity of content, Copyleaks provides award-winning AI-based text analysis, offering a plagiarism detector and AI grader as well as their AI content detector. This tool is extremely simple to navigate, utilizing an easy copy-and-paste solution that generates an assessment within seconds.

Any content that is deemed to be AI-generated will be highlighted in red, with the option to hover over the different sections of text to view the percentage probability for AI generation.


In today’s climate, with blogs written in seconds and thousands fighting for a place on the first page of Google, AI detectors like these can be a great way to quickly and painlessly assess digital content, whether it’s yours or someone else’s, for authenticity and predictability. 

If you’re thinking of posting a piece of content that’s been created (or at least influenced) through the magic of AI, taking a moment to run your text through one of these free AI content checkers is an essential step to making your digital content shine.

At Proofed, we know how tricky it can be to get AI content right. That’s why we’ve trained our editors to get AI-generated content publication ready. Learn more about our editorial services for AI-content and give your AI content a human touch today!

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