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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

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Table test

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A Guide to the Past Perfect Tense

English is a complicated language to learn for English as a second language speakers (ESL),...

5 Free Spanish to English Translation Services

3-minute read

5 Free Spanish to English Translation Services

If you’re a Spanish speaker looking to translate writing into English, there are many tools,...

Idioms and Phrases That Use the Word “Break”

2-minute read

Idioms and Phrases That Use the Word “Break”

Idioms are an interesting part of English. Idioms are a type of figurative language where...

4-minute read

Common Essay Application—Prompts and Examples

Your test scores and extracurricular activities are important for your college application, but those don’t...

6-minute read

How To Construct an Excellent Essay in 5 Steps

So, you’ve been given an essay question and don’t know where to start. Or maybe...

3-minute read

Word Choice: Reed vs. Read

The words ‘reed’ and ‘read’ are homophones. They might sound alike when spoken aloud, but...

3-minute read

12 French Words That Are False Friends

The English and the French have always had a complicated relationship, and unfortunately, the same...

2-minute read

Spelling Tips: “Weather or Not” vs “Whether or Not”

Confused about weather or not vs whether or not? You’re not alone. Weather and whether...

3-minute read

A Guide to Exceptions for Conditional Editors

Conditional sentences describe hypothetical situations and their outcomes. They include a conditional clause, otherwise known...

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3-minute read

19 Examples of Negations

Love it or hate it, English grammar has its quirks. Learning the details of English...

3-minute read

Curse Words’ Etymology

Have you ever wondered where curse words come from? Humans have been using profanity for...

2-minute read

Word Choice: Adviser vs. Advisor

English is a wonderful language, but it does have its tricky areas. For example, the...

2-minute read

A Guide to Simple and Complete Predicates

As tedious as it can be, learning grammar is essential to mastering a language. Luckily,...

7-minute read

The 12 Literary Archetypes to Inspire Your Writing

Literary archetypes are characters based on qualities that are universal to the human experience, making...

3-minute read

What Is the Young Lions Fiction Award?

Writing competitions give authors the opportunity to showcase their work, get recognition, and boost their...

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