How long will it take to proofread my document?

We offer a Next-Day Guarantee at no additional cost, which ensures we return any document of up to 10,000 words within 24 hours. We then add another 24 hours for each block of 10,000 words after the first (e.g. we guarantee to return a document between 10,001 and 20,000 words within 48 hours).

If you need your work checked sooner, you can add our Express Service at checkout. We’ll then return the document in half the time! To add our Express Service, simply click the aeroplane delivery option at checkout.

Uploading A Document And Selecting The Delivery Speed

If your work requires immediate attention, try our Rapid Service. We’ll then get your document proofread and back to you in as little as 3 hours. Our Rapid Service can be selected by ticking the rocket delivery option at checkout.